
XML::LibXML::Node is an abstract base class of XML::LibXML nodes.

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  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn and Petr Pajas
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~pajas/

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XML::LibXML::Node Description

XML::LibXML::Node is an abstract base class of XML::LibXML nodes. XML::LibXML::Node is an abstract base class of XML::LibXML nodes.SYNOPSIS $name = $node->nodeName; $node->setNodeName( $newName ); $bool = $node->isSameNode( $other_node ); $bool = $node->isEqual( $other_node ); $content = $node->nodeValue; $content = $node->textContent; $type = $node->nodeType; $node->unbindNode(); $childnode = $node->removeChild( $childnode ); $oldnode = $node->replaceChild( $newNode, $oldNode ); $node->replaceNode($newNode); $childnode = $node->appendChild( $childnode ); $childnode = $node->addChild( $chilnode ); $node = $parent->addNewChild( $nsURI, $name ); $node->addSibling($newNode); $newnode =$node->cloneNode( $deep ); $parentnode = $node->parentNode; $nextnode = $node->nextSibling(); $prevnode = $node->previousSibling(); $boolean = $node->hasChildNodes(); $childnode = $node->firstChild; $childnode = $node->lastChild; $documentnode = $node->ownerDocument; $node = $node->getOwner; $node->setOwnerDocument( $doc ); $node->insertBefore( $newNode, $refNode ); $node->insertAfter( $newNode, $refNode ); @nodes = $node->findnodes( $xpath_expression ); $result = $node->find( $xpath ); print $node->findvalue( $xpath ); @childnodes = $node->childNodes; $xmlstring = $node->toString($format,$docencoding); $c14nstring = $node->toString($with_comments, $xpath_expression); $str = $doc->serialze($format); $c14nstr = $doc->serialize_c14n($comment_flag,$xpath); $localname = $node->localname; $nameprefix = $node->prefix; $uri = $node->namespaceURI(); $boolean = $node->hasAttributes(); @attributelist = $node->attributes(); $URI = $node->lookupNamespaceURI( $prefix ); $prefix = $node->lookupNamespacePrefix( $URI ); $iter = $node->iterator; $node->normalize; @nslist = $node->getNamespaces; $node->removeChildNodes(); $node->nodePath(); $lineno = $node->line_number();XML::LibXML::Node defines functions that are common to all Node Types. A LibXML::Node should never be created standalone, but as an instance of a high level class such as LibXML::Element or LibXML::Text. The class itself should provide only common functionality. In XML::LibXML each node is part either of a document or a document-fragment. Because of this there is no node without a parent. This may causes confusion with "unbound" nodes. Requirements: · Perl

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